Photo of Bell UH-1V Huey, 736, Royal Australian Air Force

This picture is © Christopher Roche and may not be used or published without permission.

Hits since added on 22nd October 2006:     345
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Type: Bell UH-1V Huey
Aircraft Reg: 736
MSN / CN: 73-21763

Operator: Royal Australian Air Force

Picture Category: Military Helicopter / Preserved

Picture ID: 1017275
Location: Dandenong
Country: Australia - Victoria
Date: 22nd October 2006
Christopher Roche
Click here to send Christopher Roche an email Contact Christopher Roche
Comments: A DUSTOFF UH-1V (modified to UH-1D) was donated to the Dandenong RSL (Returned & Services League) by the USA. The aircraft forms part of a Vietnam War Memorial at the RSL. On the starboard side it has RAAF markings to represent A2-767 (S/N 67-17569, Con No. 9767), which was shot down during a MedEvac winch operation in Phuoc Tuy on 17th, April 1971. The port side retains its US markings.